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  1. Candy has been enjoyed for thousands of years, with early civilizations like the Egyptians and ancient Chinese making sweet treats from honey and fruits.
  2. The word "candy" comes from the Arabic word "qandi," which means "made of sugar."
  3. The first candies were made from honey, nuts, and fruits by early civilizations.
  4. Hard candies, like lollipops and peppermints, became popular in the Middle Ages when sugar became more readily available.
  5. Chocolate, a beloved candy ingredient, was first consumed as a beverage by the ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations.
  6. The first solid chocolate bar was produced by Joseph Fry in 1847.
  7. The world's largest candy store is Dylan's Candy Bar in New York City, spanning over 15,000 square feet.
  8. Cotton candy was invented by a dentist named William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton in 1897.
  9. Candy corn, a Halloween staple, was created by George Renninger of the Wunderle Candy Company in the 1880s.
  10. Jelly beans gained popularity during the Civil War when they were sent to soldiers as a portable treat.
  11. The average American consumes about 22 pounds of candy each year.
  12. M&M's were created in 1941 as a way for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting.
  13. The Guinness World Record for the largest box of chocolates weighed over 3,000 pounds.
  14. The world's largest gummy bear weighs approximately 5 pounds and contains over 6,000 calories.
  15. Swedish Fish, a popular gummy candy, was originally from Sweden but is now made in Canada.
  16. Sour Patch Kids were originally called "Mars Men" when they were first created in the 1970s.
  17. The Pez candy dispenser was invented in 1927 and originally marketed as an alternative to smoking.
  18. Tootsie Rolls were invented in 1896 by Leo Hirschfeld and were named after his daughter Clara's nickname, "Tootsie."
  19. Licorice, a candy made from the root of the licorice plant, has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties.
  20. The longest licorice rope ever made measured over 1,200 feet long.
  21. The world's largest gummy worm weighs about 3 pounds and is over 2 feet long.
  22. Jawbreakers, also known as gobstoppers, can take up to 14 days to make.
  23. The world's oldest candy is believed to be a piece of honey found in the tomb of a Sumerian queen dating back to 2000 BCE.
  24. Candy canes were originally straight and all white until they were given their iconic hook shape and red stripes in the 20th century.
  25. The first chocolate Easter eggs were made in Europe in the early 19th century.
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